Yes, the video is a bit out-of-date and is in the process of being redone and hopefully will be up at the same time the next version of Time Master comes out (v4.4), with even more features. We have added a LOT of features to the Invoice module since that video was last done and the current video is a bit confusing (sorry). The part that is the most confusing right now was the addition of "Companies". All the settings that you are looking for have been moved into the Company file, as each company record would need it's own settings, such as the Header. So you will have to go to Setup -> Invoicing -> Companies -> (select your company file) -> Export Setting. We always keep our Documentation up-to-date, so either look at the built-in (Setup -> Manual [button]) or download the same PDF document from the Time Master page (scroll down to the bottom). Hope that helps?