Author Topic: Invoicing for Untimed Items  (Read 11926 times)


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Invoicing for Untimed Items
« on: March 28, 2011, 09:40:16 am »
I need to invoice a client for an untimed item. I charge clients a fee for hosting that isn't expense or time related. Any tips on how to do that?


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Re: Invoicing for Untimed Items
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2011, 09:50:27 am »
Yes, it's called an Expense.  If it is an item that you will be using more than once, you can setup an Expenditure code that can be picked from a list to fill in things such as Amount, Cost and Reimbursable (if it will show up on an invoice or not).  You can also Copy old entries, the same way you do with Time Entries, by tapping on the Grey box.


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Re: Invoicing for Untimed Items
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2011, 10:02:46 am »
Thanks, Adam. So although it's not a direct expense to me (I pay monthly for one large hosting account and have several client sites hosted via that account), I should enter it as an expense? More specifically, I need to invoice a client $120 for annual hosting, but I pay a different amount monthly. So the invoice I'm sending out is not tied to a specific dollar figure that comes out of my pocket. I was thinking Expenses should be tied to actual pay-outs which need to be reimbursed.

But I may be asking Time Master to be more than what it is. It isn't a full-on business finance management app. I love using it for tracking time, though. Thumbs up!


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Re: Invoicing for Untimed Items
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2011, 10:12:25 am »
Expenses can be used for anything you want to use them for.  They can be Reimbursable or not.  If Reimbursable is un-checked, then when you create an invoice, that Expense will not show up. So if you want to track some expense, say for tax reasons, but don't want to invoice it, then you un-check Reimbursable.  You can then run a Report on the non-reimbursable expenses at the end of the year.

Other than that, you can put anything you want in an Expense.  You can enter one Expense for the $120 for the year or you can create an Expense for $10 and bill monthly.  It does not have to be tied to anything.  Some people even use expenses for billing time.  Some people bill for one week and want to put it in as one entry instead, so they use the Expenses.  Hope that makes sense?