Author Topic: Identical time entries in an invoice  (Read 13444 times)


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Identical time entries in an invoice
« on: February 01, 2011, 11:00:58 am »
Hello, congrats on Time Master, nice App except for one thing, (which renders it almost useless for me).
In my line of work I tend to work nonstop on one job for 2,3 (or more) weeks at a time and the problem I have is, when I generate an invoice I get many many time entries (one for each day), which is off putting for the customer as well as 3 or 4 pages of unnecessary printouts.
So my question, is there a way to collate these time entries (which are all on the same task) into a single figure on the invoice, which would also mean 1 page of printing instead of many.

I hope I've missed something because I cannot use the app otherwise.

Thanks in advance....


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Re: Identical time entries in an invoice
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2011, 11:54:40 am »
You're not the first one to request collapsing by either Project or Task/Expenditure the records reported on the Invoice.  :)
It's currently on our 'wish-list', and given time, it's something we would really like to add.
Unfortunately, at this time, TimeMaster won't do that collapsing automatically.

The only workaround I can suggest is to create a 'dummy' expense, which you can associate with the appropriate client and project, and fill in the amount field with the rate you plan to charge and the units field with the fractional value of the time you spent on that project (which you can obtain by generating a report). Then create the invoice with just that expense.


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Re: Identical time entries in an invoice
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2011, 01:11:01 pm »
Hello, thanks for the prompt reply Ernesto.
I think I can see how your workaround would work, so will have a play around with it.
I have to say that I'm slightly miffed that Time Master doesn't have this capability built in, as it seems a prerequisite for invoicing....

Just to confirm, is there no firm time frame for an update.

Sorry to be awkward...


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Re: Identical time entries in an invoice
« Reply #3 on: February 23, 2011, 11:06:27 pm »
Sorry, but we can't make any promises or give you any timetable about future features.
We rank features to add based on what our uses request the most, and try to tackle a bunch at a time depending on the complexity and what the device allows us to do.

We have submitted a new version to Apple which includes a couple of new features, and hope will be in your hands soon, but it does not include the feature you request.

Just out of curiosity, would it be ok to have this collapsing only on Invoices, or do you need it for Reports too?
What's your specific need for collapsing criteria? Task? Project? Client?



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Re: Identical time entries in an invoice
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2011, 11:59:25 am »

I just bought Time Master and like it, but would really like to see a roll-up in the invoicing module.  I frequently jump around on a day-to-day basis on projects and my client doesn't care to see that detail in the invoice, just on the time card.  I'd like to roll up by day, week, or month, so I can have multiple roll ups on an invoice (weekly), but bill on a different period rate (bi-weekly).

Having said that, it would be immensely helpful to see the level of detail currently shown on the invoice in the timesheet.  That is where all my clients expect to see it. Currently, I have to create multiple projects to get that detail instead of multiple tasks.  Being able to e-mail that level of detail from the app to my client would be ideal.


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Re: Identical time entries in an invoice
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2011, 02:08:49 pm »
Time Master 4.1 will have a "Collapse" option for Invoice.  However you can only Collapse either Projects or Tasks.